Seven Secrets Of Stress Free Living
Have you ever felt tired just thinking about all you have to do? Have you ever felt like resigning from the human race so you could do whatever you wanted to do for an entire week? Have you ever felt like your life is out of control because of all the stress you’re under?
This month we will begin a new series, Seven Secrets Of Stress Free Living. You can never eliminate stress completely, however we can reduce it and manage it so that it doesn’t become debilitating. Everyone will experience stress, so it’s not about how much you can bear, but how you carry it that makes the difference.
First we are going to look at the life of Christ and the principles that Jesus Christ lived by in order to handle stress.
Second, we are going to look at how to cope with daily frustrations. When facing the frustrations of life, your attitude will make all the difference in the world. We will teach you how to have a grateful, positive attitude when life throws you a curve.
Third, we will look at the pressure of time. One thing about time is that it is very uncooperative. When you want it to speed up it slows down and when you want it to slow down it speeds up. We will each you practice steps to time management.
Fourth, we will talk about managing your money before it manages you. We will look at principles for financial freedom.
Fifth, we will look at how to get the most out of your career. You will spend approximately 40% of your waking hours in your lifetime on the job. That means if you don’t like your job, you’ll going to spend a lot of your life frustrated. We will show you three biblical attitudes that can transform your work.
Sixth, we will talk about how to cope with change. Life is a series of changes and change causes stress. we will teach you how to react to change so that change doesn’t stress you out.
Finally, we will teach you how to avoid burnout. We will gain wisdom from the wisest man to ever have lived, Solomon, and lean from him how to prevent burnout.
I hope you will join us over the next seven weeks and learn how to get the stress out.